When you don’t have a sense of self, you can get stuck in a loop of fatigue and semi-recovery that feels like it will never end. Things like negative selftalk, fear, self-doubt, stress, and underperformance feel like continual companions. The cycle is so relentless that it’s hard to believe you’re the kind of person who can have a better, more satisfying life.
But I believe you can. I believe anyone can have a life of well-being and ease.
I’m here, doing the work I do, because I’ve had every one of these desires and experienced it all, from entanglement with dissatisfying relationships and jobs to health scares to simply feeling adrift. But after many years of searching and learning, I found a better way.
Having a fulfilling life isn’t about big, splashy changes. It’s simpler than that.
It’s about finding out what you want and giving in to it. It’s about identifying what you need and structuring a life that will help you receive it. It’s about resting against the roots of your soul.

As a well-being coach, I believe there are three elements that will help you shift from a “big change” mindset to one that allows you experience and a healthy balance of repose and vitality:

When you have a sense of worthiness, you’re able to see clearly, identify unsatisfying life patterns, walk away from your self-critic, and work on new ways of being. I incorporate self-love into all of our work together. It’s the heartwood of your well-being.

Small Steps
Trying to change everything all at once is overwhelming. None of us can do it. It’s not the way of transformation. To create change that lasts, we work on steady progress, creating daily practices that make a big life impact—and it’s actually enjoyable! (Goodbye, fads. Goodbye, guilt.)

Steady change happens in the presence of gentle redirection and accountability. I walk alongside you, reminding you to return to your core and to work steadily toward your goals. I’m a guide, not a signpost or standard-bearer. I’m here to support you as you work through thorny internal barriers and celebrate your successes. You don’t have to do this alone.
When my clients embrace their internal work, they experience profound change.

In their own words, they:
✦ Radiate gratitude.
✦ Develop the courage to set boundaries.
✦ Become more authentic, trusting, and brave.
✦ Make better food choices.
✦ Have more confidence in making friends.
✦ Are back on the path to clarity and joy.
Their daily lives are happier. They feel lighter. They possess new tools to help them when tough circumstances arise.
I don’t take credit for any of these changes. They’re due to the hard work, discoveries, and commitment of my clients.
But as a guide and coach, I’ve questioned them, strategized with them, and encouraged them to keep choosing their own best path.
I would love to do the same for you.
Shelly helped me to address so many aspects of my life including diet, lifestyle, methods of ‘getting shit done’, organization, & selfcare on all levels. I developed more structure in my life through developing daily routines around everything from managing my schedule & completing tasks efficiently to prepping healthy food. Shelly helped me get out of my own way and provided me the support & personal tools I needed to take the steps to move forward in my life & launch my business. My life feels organized & balanced, I more effectively manage my time, and I take good care of myself. I feel so much more solid in who I am as a result of our work together. Shelly coaches & mentors from a place of lived experience and integrity. It’s obvious that this work is truly her higher path, and she walks her talk, too! She is a treasure of skills & tools to build a lifestyle of well-being. I felt validated, seen, understood, and supported by Shelly in her calming way.
- Molly O.

I'm delighted to meet you!
I’m Shelly Haas and there’s nothing I’m more passionate about than personal transformation.
If you asked me what image represents my philosophy as a well-being coach, I would describe a pair of open hands facing each other, as if they’re gently holding a beach ball. Between them is a metaphorical safe space, a quiet glade where my clients can embark on self-discovery.
It is my deepest joy to join them in this space, where they explore the possibility of incremental life changes, celebrate their self-empowerment, and make meaningful transitions to healthier, happier daily living.

My Credentials
For the past two decades, I’ve dedicated myself to personal growth, self-care, and wellness. It’s been an evolving journey, one that has included (and still includes) exploration, study, and implementing what I’ve learned. All of this led me to formal study.
I’m now a transformational life coach, certified through Seattle Life Coach Training, where I gained coaching skills so I can support people and help them excel in all aspects of their lives.
I’m also an integrative nutrition health coach, trained through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I studied various dietary theories, healthy living, and practical lifestyle coaching methods. I also immersed myself in the all-encompassing nature of integrative health: the physical, mental, spiritual, social, career, financial, and environmental aspects of wellness.
My Story
For the past 18 years I’ve lived in Olympia, Washington, where I can easily walk a nature trail, spend an afternoon kayaking on the Salish Sea, or drop by the market to pick up local vegetables.
I spent my earliest days in a really different place, a small town in Minnesota, where I grew up eating boxed mac and cheese and fast food every Sunday with my family. As a teenager, my first job was flipping burgers at Hardee’s.
I grew up with chronic migraines and skin problems. I cared too much about what other people thought of me, adopted a judgmental attitude toward myself, and made decisions accordingly. Making life decisions based on what would make me feel happy, instead of what everyone else expected of me, simply wasn’t something I ever learned to do.
I thought eating healthy food meant sacrifice. I was clueless about my potential. I was deeply under-confident. My work left me feeling continually drained. I was unhappy but I had no idea what I wanted my life to look like or how to change it for the better.
Things began to shift for me when I moved out of my hometown and was exposed to new people. I had a vegetarian roommate who showed me there was another way to eat. I joined a yoga class and started hanging out with people who were investing in their health and well-being
To stretch myself even further beyond the norms of my small town, I moved to Washington. It was here that I worked with my first life coach: within six months, I had decided to quit my day job and live the migratory life of an artisan jeweler. Those were the days of artists’ markets, self-help books, and absorbing every fact about nutrition I could find. Those were sacred days of healing and growth.

My Today
Fast forward some years, and I’m a trained life coach. I’m back in Washington, living my dream. (Literally. Ask me about it sometime.) My migraines have vanished. My skin is clear. I eat green smoothies every morning, hike along rivers, and pinch myself while I’m grinning up at the trees.
But this life didn’t land in my lap. I built it. I shook off a bunch of habits and thinking patterns to get here. Since I left home, I’ve led a life of reinvention, becoming healthier and happier along the way. I didn’t make it alone. When I started embracing the support I needed for my journey, I finally experienced ease and exponential growth.
I transformed the way I eat, ditching the processed stuff for mostly whole, organic, local plants. I greened my life, from body care to home cleaning products.
I’ve done a lot of solo traveling, discovered my innate abilities and gifts, ditched my careers, and launched my own business. I’ve learned to move on from relationships that aren’t in alignment with the real me. I practice daily life habits that reduce stress, keep me present, and make me feel good, moment by moment.
Today, I eat well and indulge. I spend time in deep reflection, work hard, and chill-binge Netflix. (A balanced life is about conscious living, not a purity mindset. Thank goodness!)
I’m happy. I feel good in my skin. Especially when I’m out in the natural world, listening to live music, dancing, crafting, tending my garden, traveling, or spending time in my kitchen.
Your Story
I would love to help you live a happier, more satisfying life—and to get there more quickly than I did. It’s possible. I see it with my own eyes and hear it from my clients every single week.
Possibility and transformation are ready for you. Get in touch. I’d love to help you find them.
Lets talk