Mastering Meal Prep For Easeful Eating 

Make Healthy Eating Easy, Delicious, and Consistent in Your Life By Mastering Meal Prep In Ways That Work For You, Your Schedule, And Your Preferences!

**2024 Program Has Already Begun!**

Interested in the next round? Drop Shelly a line to get on the waiting list! [email protected]


Exploratory and Fun!

This is NOT your average meal prep course.

You will not receive a specific meal plan to follow with recipes and instructions. (you can get that anywhere)


Empowering yourself with the confidence to do things your way is far more impactful, sustainable, and fun!


You are going to use the bounty of information, education, resources, methods, tips, and ideas offered in the classes and be guided to explore what works for you, your schedule, and your preferences.  


By the end of the program, you will know exactly how to move forward and meal prep YOUR way and continue to master your own routines as time goes on.


When you find what works for you - it's so easy to stick with it and make meal prepping and healthy eating a fun and sustainable habit in your life! 

Jen Mallinger

“Oh my gosh Shelly, I am so obsessed with meal prepping now! All your tips for making each step of the process fun and entertaining have turned me from a very reluctant (and let's face it, seldom doing it) meal prepper to doing some form of meal prep every single week. The RELIEF I feel! It's amazing knowing I have great healthy delicious options available and don't have to sit there going, "What should I eat? I don't know" until it's too late and I'm throwing tator tots in the air fryer. 😜 You've taught me to master meal prep with ease! So grateful, Shelly!!”

Janet Keller

“Shelly's Mastering Meal Prep class proved to be a life-changer for me. Although I consider myself to be an organized person, meal-planning and prep had always been challenging for me to master. Using tips from this class, I now have a weekly strategy for eating, along with options if "life gets in the way" and I need to modify my game plan. I'm so grateful that I found Shelly, who is kind and understanding and has helped me finally feel in control of my food planning.”


Meal Prep Is About Making Delicious & Nourishing Food 

Convenient For Yourself, So It's Easy To Be Consistent With Healthy Eating And Feeling Great In Your Body! 

When You Don't Have Easy, Healthy, Tasty Meals Available, It's Hard To Be Consistent With A Healthy Diet.

  • When you don't have time to cook so you go through the drive-thru, again. 
  • When you are exhausted at the end of the day so you grab takeout instead of cooking.
  • When you don't feel like cooking, so you end up eating something convenient which is usually way less healthy than you want to be eating. 
  • When life is full and you don't have a plan, It can feel impossible to eat healthily. This is often a major block to success in developing a consistently healthy way of feeding yourself.

 In This Program, You Will Develop Ways That Work For You To Easily And Efficiently Have Delicious & Healthy Options Available At All Times. 

  • Set your future self up for success by having healthy meals that are ready to go. 
  • Prep meals that you look forward to eating, eliminating the temptation to grab something less healthy. 
  • Develop routines with meal prepping that are efficient and work with your schedule. 
  • Easily create a sustainable way of healthier eating so that you feel good in your body 

What Can Mastering Meal Prep Do For You?  

  • Make eating a consistently healthy diet SO much easier. (and end the yo-yo-ing)

  • Teach you to have easy, quick, healthy meals that are ready to go or take minimal time to make throughout the week.

  • Help you develop a repertoire of healthy meals to prep that you look forward to eating.

  • Let go of guilt & frustration around food and feel good about what you are feeding yourself daily.

  • Feel better in your body as a result of consistently healthy eating. (More energy, more confidence, better health. Less bloating, inflammation, aches, & pains.)

  • Allow you to be more consistent with foods that can support cholesterol levels, blood sugar, high blood pressure, digestion, weight management, or anything else you are looking to improve or maintain.

  • Support you in being consistent with any specific protocols due to food sensitivities or health conditions.

  • Easily resist fast food, take out, junk food, and grabbing a pile of quick carbs for a meal, because you’ll have deliciously healthy meals ready for yourself.

  • Have meals totally ready to go when you have busier weeks, have low energy, or just don’t feel like cooking.

  • Gain confidence in the kitchen by learning new dishes, and new methods, and making things as easy and enjoyable as possible for yourself. 

Hey, I'm Shelly!

Well-being Coach & Mentor, Foodie, and Your Guide In This Course.


How Does This sound? 

  • What if you could make a plan and a shopping list for the week in the same amount of time it takes to get takeout food?
  • What if you could prep food one evening a week and have meals ready to go, or ready to cook quickly for most of the week?
  • What if you could do this and have a variety of meals that you actually look forward to eating, making you feel good in your body, maintaining your health, and giving you energy? 

That's exactly what I do every week and I want to teach you how.

It's much easier, more fun, and more delicious than you think! 

A little bit of Shelly's story with food....

I grew up eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) filled with processed food, fast food, lots of white bread, soda, and very little vegetables. I had no idea what healthy eating was, but I was sure it couldn’t taste good.

I’ve been on a journey of transformation with food for the last 25 years. There are a lot of chapters to my story that include self-education, formal education, teaching myself to cook healthy food, going to rigid extremes with diets, fasts, & cleanses, and finally learning to listen to my body, develop a healthier relationship with food, and find balance, ease, & flow with how I feed myself.

Now, I eat a consistently healthy diet that is not rigid at all. It’s balanced. I’ve developed a love for healthy food that supports me and makes me feel great in my body. My weight, energy, and health are consistent. It doesn’t feel like work or a struggle for me - feeding myself well is an act of self-love and something that I enjoy.  

The routines that I have developed over the years in meal prep play a huge part in my success in getting to this place.  

I’ve helped a lot of my clients over the years achieve this too.

I have an unconventional approach that’s based in a fundamental truth: The key to establishing a consistent & sustainable way of eating healthy is to explore and find what works for you, what you love to eat, and developing habits & routines based on that.

There are too many cookie-cutter programs out there (including meal prep plans) that women never stick to long-term because they don’t take into consideration our individuality as people.

I love to empower the women I work with to focus on finding what they love to eat, what makes it easy for them to continue, and developing their own way of being with food that is pleasurable, balanced, efficient, and delicious. THIS is what creates consistency & sustainability in diet!

I'd love to help educate, support, & empower you to develop this for yourself, too. 

Terri Hubbard

“Shelly is masterful at running a group class. She makes everyone comfortable and willingly want to share (which has always been difficult for me). Each week she offers in-depth helpful tips to meal prep. I’ve been able to rethink how I feel about meal prep, which is a game changer. I’ve had a hate relationship with left- overs all of my life, with Shelly’s help, I now have a new understanding and relationship with left-overs. Shelly invites everyone to play with what works with individual style and time and life - making everything okay. Best of all - she’s made every week fun and welcoming. Do it - you’ll be totally happy with your results.”

Carrie Boyd

“I think this really taught me that meal prep is what you make it. It doesn’t have to be a cookie cutter approach and shouldn’t be. Shelly taught me how to take her knowledge and make my approach my own. Shelly taught me that meal prep can be fun and delicious meals can be the result. To prep the meals that make most sense for you. Go in with a plan and take a little time to see what’s in your fridge. Use what you have and add to that to make great meals. Shelly has the most sensible approach I’ve seen. She is fun, calm, encouraging and not pushy. This was a great experience and was just my new beginning. Thank you Shelly!”

What Do YOU Love To Eat?

That's what you will be meal prepping. No more following someone else's meal plan and recipes that you are not excited to eat. When you lean into what you love, it's SO much easier to be consistent with a healthy diet, and so much more enjoyable to be in the kitchen. 


Meal prepping does not mean that you need to eat the same thing every day! Learn to prep meals for the week and still have a lot of variety in flavor and choices. Love those leftovers or your favorite salad 3 days in a row? Cool, that's easy! Want more variety? You'll learn ways to make that happen too

Easy, Efficient, and Enjoyable

This program is about you creating more ease with food, making things as efficient as possible, and having fun exploring what works for you. Everything you learn in this course is adaptable to your preferences and schedule, and you will be encouraged, coached, and supported to find what works best for you.




A 60 to 90-minute class every week for 6 weeks. Replays of the classes available if you miss them. 

  • Wednesday Evenings @ 5:30pm PT / 7:30pm CT beginning May 8th.
  • Learn all about meal prepping - methods, approaches, efficiency hacks, tips, & tricks. 
  • Q&A - ask questions and get coached on how to apply them to best work for you. 
  • Leave each class with a focus for the week. 



  • Connect with the community learning with you. 
  • Share recipes, resources, and ideas.
  • Post what you are doing for accountability to follow through.
  • Celebrate and cheer each other on.
  • Ask questions, & get support and coaching from Shelly anytime between classes.



It's all here, you only need to engage with the course & the group and ask for what you need.

  • Can't make the live classes? You can watch them later. Ask questions and ask for any support you want in the group. 
  • Need some extra 1:1 support? You'll have access to schedule discounted private sessions with Shelly during the month of this course. 

Join Us For Just:


**2024 Program Has Already Begun!**

Interested in the next round? Drop Shelly a line to get on the waiting list! [email protected]


Or make 2 Monthly Payments Of:


**2024 Program Has Already Begun!**

Interested in the next round? Drop Shelly a line to get on the waiting list! [email protected]


Who This Program Is Perfect For:

  • Women who want to learn easy & efficient ways to meal prep so that they have delicious healthy food available to choose from at all times.

  • Women who want to learn to meal prep in a way that works for them, their schedule, and their preferences, rather than following a rigid meal plan.

  • Women who want to make it easier to feed themselves a consistently healthy diet.

  • Women who are willing to dedicate SOME time each week to planning and preparing food for themselves. 

  • Women who want to explore & experiment with what they love to eat and how they can make it as easy as possible to make healthy food a consistent & pleasurable thing in their lives. 

Who This Might Not Be A Good Fit For:

  • Women who want a meal prep plan with specific recipes all planned out for them by someone else. You can find thousands of those elsewhere. 

  • Women who have zero time to prepare some food for themselves each week. A pre-made meal service would better support you. 

  • Women who don’t have a desire to explore what kind of meals they love to eat and want to try. A specific meal plan would be better suited to you. 

  • Women who want a rigid plan and for someone to tell them exactly what to do. (This program will educate, empower, and coach you to take what you learn and create your own way)


“I really enjoyed this program, it helped me realize eating the way I want is much easier than I was making it. Putting my focus on meal prep and my eating goals for one month helped me start new habits, try recipes I've been wanting to try, and make my library of recipes much less overwhelming. Thank you Shelly!”


“If you are ready to save time and money on food then this is the class for you. With food prices getting higher and higher and the quality of premade meals going down I find it essential to meal prep for better tasting food, more nutrition, and the joy of eating food made with love.”


”What a gift in finding Shelly and this class. She has truly found her calling. She brings an amazing energy to the group and holds a safe place for participants to share their successes and challenges. Shelly provides strategies to make meal prep manageable even for the busiest people. I was able to get the building blocks I need to continue to master meal prepping. At least now it doesn't seem out of reach or daunting. Having a FB group throughout the course helped me stay engaged between classes so I didn't feel like I was starting over each week.”

Hey! I'm Shelly.

(The lady teaching this thang!)

Most would describe me as an outdoor enthusiast, a lover of music & dance, an adventurer, and a foodie. 

There's nothing I'm more passionate about than personal growth, self-care, and wellness. It’s been an evolving journey that I’ve dedicated myself to for more than 2 decades. 

I'm a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and certified Transformational Life Coach. 

I help women develop a sustainable healthy lifestyle so that they can feel as freaking fantastic as they deserve to feel in their lives.

I'm not a fan of cookie-cutter programs. We are diverse humans, not cookies. My approach is to share my wealth of knowledge &  insight and support women to find their way to create a fulfilling, healthy, & vibrant life that's sustainable long term.


Join Us For Just:


**2024 Program Has Already Begun!**

Interested in the next round? Drop Shelly a line to get on the waiting list! [email protected]


Or make 2 Monthly Payments Of:


**2024 Program Has Already Begun!**

Interested in the next round? Drop Shelly a line to get on the waiting list! [email protected]